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Day 22.png

Welcome to my official Inktober gallery of 2020.


For those of you who are hearing the word "Inktober" for the first time, allow me to explain. Inktober began its claim to fame as the world's most renowned art challenge back in 2009. Thought of by artist Jake Parker (@jakeparker on Instagram), Inktober is a fantastic outlet for artists craving motivating prompts and a sense of discipline (such as myself).


The way it works is this: each day for the month of October, you create something—be it a drawing, sculpture, painting, sketch, or otherwise.


While Jake Parker began the yearly challenge, artists across the globe have taken it and made it their own each year, coming up with different prompt lists that have different themes.


I'm incredibly proud of my body of work for Inktober 2020, and have curated a selection of the pieces I believe show my best imaginative skills and entrepreneurial spirit.

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